Below are some tips to use the Website trip planner optimally. Particularly interactive, it allows you at any time:

  • to change the search criteria to get alternative routes
  • to change your places of departure and arrival on the map and immediately get new results

Departure and arrival

To choose the places of departure and arrival, you can use input fields or click directly on the interactive map.

Specify the date and time you want for your trip.

If you are registered in the member zone you can use your favorite places as your places of departure or arrival by clicking My Favorites tab in the trip planning form.

Input and place selection

For the same input, the database provides a list of matching stops/stations, addresses and points of interest (sorted by categories).

Warning: If you select a stop/station, the trip planner looks only for transport services the itinerary of which includes this stop/station, or another one generally not beyond a perimeter of 250 meters. That is why we recommend that you use the addresses and points of interest for the fastest trip results. You can still change options to your preference afterwards (fewer transfers, walking distance... ).

Specify your trip preferences

The "quickest possible route" is proposed by default. You can however request a recalculation with the "fewest transfers as possible", which may in some instances simplify the trip results without a severe impact on the total duration.

Means of transportation : by default

This Website looks for regular public transport trips first. But not only. Other means of transportation are proposed by default, if the situation allows it:

  • Cycling (direct or safer route)
  • Walking (up to 2.5km)
  • Dial-a-ride (over the full trip or only at the beginning/end in combination with regular public transport), when the public transport offer is insufficient.

Means of transportation: your preferences

You can change the settings as follows in the "Advanced options" tab:

  • disable some modes of transport (for example if you only want to use the tramway)
  • specify whether to start or end your trip on foot, by bike, by car, with the possibility to adjust the settings (distance, speed, parking place).

To have the trip planner remember your choices in "Advanced Options" tab for later use, click the link "Save my settings". This option is available only if you are registered in the member zone.

View trip results

Every proposed trip is displayed as a button, with information about:

  • the means of transportation
  • the number of transfers
  • the walking, cycling and/or driving distances
  • the total duration and times of departure and arrival

By clicking the button, you pull down its content: a roadmap, an interactive map, ticket prices and various useful features (print, P.D.F. download, add to the agenda, share on social networks...) under the "Services" tab.